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Art Journal Avenue



Regular price $450.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $450.00 USD
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  • 9" tall by 7.5" wide
  • 224 pages, counting both sides
  • Alternates between handmade paper (brown jute) and hot press watercolor paper

Barcelona should be on your bucket list if it isn't already!  What a fascinating city, with building codes that disallow structures to tower above 5 floors...

Except, of course, the famous church from Gaudí, La Sagrada Familia (and a few sky-scrapers that are outside of the city limits).

As I walked along the city streets of Barcelona, I admired the gargoyles, the doors, the old metal grates over the windows, and the old-world heavy metal latches mounted onto things that need to be locked or once needed to be locked.

This journal pays tribute to those old-world touches that are prevalent all over that city to this day.  

Honestly, I wanted to do a totally different design for this piece. I included my sketch of it in the image gallery for this piece, and you should know that one day, I will be making such a piece.  It's more involved in its design in that I need to get a hold of some new materials and make sure I reserve lots of time to complete this piece.  

But, for now, one of my celebrations of Barcelona is depicted in this piece, with its natural edges of leather representing the gently-waving coastline and its latch that celebrates the old-worldliness of that city.

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